Welcome to the MarketingDepartmentLV.com Team Sales Pipeline!

Access the Sales Pipeline Here (if you do not have your login email Stan Shields)

Why a Team Sales Pipeline?

This is how we grow our businesses. The more prospects we have in the team sales pipeline, the more contracts we land and the more projects and commissions made by every team member. With every team member contributing new prospects each of our businesses will experience accelerated growth.

How to Grow Our Team Sales Pipeline

As you market your business, when you meet a prospect who does not need your services, tell them that you are part of a team that does provide the marketing services they need. Schedule a time for you and David to meet with the prospect. David will bring the team member who provides the services that prospect currently needs. When you meet a prospect who needs your services, as you work with that client consider suggesting the services provided by other team members.

Benefits of Bringing Prospects and Clients Into Our Team Sales Pipeline

  • When we land the contract, you will receive 20% commission on all services performed by our team.
  • In addition, we will lay the groundwork for that new client to get to the point where they need your services.
  • Bring any of your current clients into this arrangement to work with other team members and the same 20% commission applies.
  • Not only will you generate commissions, but your reputation will benefit since our team provides unique top quality integrated and managed marketing services.

Sales Pipeline Tutorials

Thanks to our sales pipeline expert, Stan Shields, for setting up this powerful tool! Here are some tutorial videos created by Stan.

Dashboard Overview

Sales Pipeline Overview: Logging in, dashboard overview, menu, import/export data, managing contacts, managing companies, activity feed, sending emails, templates, logging activities, task creation.

HubSpot also has an amazing Learning Center where you can find a ton of training on concepts as well as application functionality. Click on the drop down right next to your picture and click on the “Learning Center” link. Then click on “Lessons” to explore individual tasks as well.

Reference the Hubspot Learning Center

Templates, Snippets, Sales Dashboard

Conversations: Creating snippet templates (phrases you create often), Sales Dashboard: “Deals”, “Tasks”, Table and Board View.

Create, Update and View Your Team Listing, Filters

Team Listing, Filters, Views: How to create, update and view your team listing, managing filters and views.

Download Text Documentation

Using the Hubspot Mobile App

Using the Hubspot Mobile App: Business card reader, deal updates, leaderboard, tasks, contacts, making calls from mobile app, sending text messages and emails, creating and using email templates, properties, deals, IOS vs. Android app.

Reference the Hubspot Learning Center