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MarketingDepartmentLV Team Best Practices

Consider your MarketingDepartmentLV team as your unified marketing agency. While we work virtually from multiple locations, we need to create rapid, seamless communication similar to that of a marketing agency where all team members are in the same office instantly sharing information to facilitate integrated professional team work with every client.

Engage with Clients and Team Members as a Unified Marketing Agency

Rapid Client Communication: Respond to client questions and issues instantly or no later than 8 business hours.

Rapid Team Communication: Respond to business communications by another team member as a marketing agency would—instantly or no later than 8 business hours. This includes new client contacts and ongoing business communication. We want to WOW our clients with the powerful integrated team they have obtained.

Timeline Expectations: Give clients and team members an estimated timeline for your work and communicate ahead if it looks as though a deadline will not be achieved.

Exit Interviews, Debriefing: David Smith will conduct a debriefing with clients and team members upon project completion or quarterly with ongoing retainer projects. The purpose is to receive client feedback, testimonials and new portfolio material that will support our ongoing marketing and the continuous improvement of our team and every team member.

Present Unified Marketing Agency Communication to Clients

If you need to put the following language in your client contracts, please do so:

Shared Communication: CC all team members working with a client on all client communications. Forward communications the client forgets to “reply all”. We all need to be on the same page.

Shared File Access: Ensure with client that team members have access to all files received from client and created by any team member (i.e. proposals, contracts, photos, videos…etc.) Files received by you are as if they have been delivered to the team (just as with a marketing agency). This maintains our seamless team work with clients (vs. having multiple members ask clients for files and documents).

Shared Marketing Materials

Our Team is Your Team:

Shared Portfolio and Testimonials: Regularly request and submit portfolio and testimonials to to be used in our team marketing efforts. This benefits all of us.

Shared Marketing Content: Any content on our team website is available for use by every team member on their individual websites and marketing advertisements. However, content must be rewritten entirely in order to avoid Google’s duplicate content penalty.

Link Sharing: Crosslinking increases the SEO visibility of all our websites. has a section in its website footer entitled Team Member Websites. Cross links will be created to all team member sites that have an identical website footer crosslink to Creating similar crosslinks on your individual sites to every team member site will greatly increase your site’s SEO.

Commission and Marketing Department LV Payments

Rapid payment submission: Please submit commission payments (17.5%?) to the project lead within one business day of receipt from client and Marketing Department LV payments (5%) to Marketing Department LV, LLC within one business day of receipt from client.

Client Proposals: Let your client proposals reflect the commission and Marketing Department LV LLC team payments.

Conflict Resolution

Misunderstandings and conflicts with clients and other team members are bound to arise. This is natural given diverse personalities and expectations. The important element that makes us successful is not the absence of conflict but how we resolve conflict.

  1. Address the issue directly with the team member or client. Seek understanding and resolution.
  2. Bring the issue to David Smith for help and mediation if step 1 does not lead to resolution.