Why Business Podcasts?

Voice is the next frontier. While video demands your full attention, business podcasts make it possible for employees, clients and prospects to consume information and entertainment while moving through their day.

Business podcasts continue to grow in popularity, with digital media savants like Gary Vaynerchuk proclaiming that business podcasts are still an excellent decision for anyone building a brand, especially those running a business. Creating and maintaining business podcasts is a great way to gain exposure, customers, and brand credibility for your company.

What if I don’t have an idea for business podcasts?

Many people think that business podcasts need to have some central story, like a TV show would. While it is true that you should aim to create entertaining and engaging content, business podcasts vary widely in content. While some business podcasts are meant exclusively for entertainment, other business podcasts are meant to inform and educate an audience.

What’s included with business podcasts?

We record audio-only versions of your business podcasts, as well as video versions of your business podcasts if you desire.

Specific business podcasts services include:

  • Professional-grade audio
  • On-site recording and filming; we will provide the equipment
  • 4K video quality for video versions
  • Professional audio and video editing
  • Music and graphics
  • Branding your business podcasts, including title and graphics
  • Publishing your business podcasts on iTunes, Spotify, and other outlets

We are happy to work with you on the content of your podcast, the title and branding, and on making sure your podcast finds its way to all of your favorite platforms. Contact us today to get started.

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